Open Daily 09:00–17:30 - Lunedì chiuso.             Sabato e Domenica chiuso eccetto durante il periodo degli eventi.
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Football no limits, copertina

“Football no limits”

A passion without boundaries of time and space There are few things that unite people worldwide more than the game of football. More than just kicking a ball, the game of football is pure passion beyond rational thought, capable of influencing the mood of a nation and even the fortunes of a government. Since the […]

Ritratto di Ignoto, Copertina

Portrait of the Unknown. The Artist Called Banksy.

In collaboration with the S. Elia Foundation – Loggiato San Bartolomeo, the Pietro Barbaro Foundation inaugurates “Portrait of the Unknown. The artist called Banksy,” the first exhibition in Sicily that brings together over 100 original pieces by the world’s most renowned contemporary English artist. Thus begins an unprecedented art journey that runs parallel to the sea, a […]

Via Principe di Belmonte 55, Palermo
Exhibition Venue: Palazzo Trinacria, Via Butera 24, Palermo - Tax Code: 97220040824

IBAN code for donation:
IT79 S030 6909 6061 0000 0001 864

Tel: +39 091 33 33 33
Mobile: +39 3346620437
Open Hours
Mon-Fri: 09:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Sat-Sun: Closed (except when there are exhibitions)
©2025 Fondazione Pietro Barbaro. All rights reserved.